With the publication of the WLCG Common JWT Profiles (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3460257) and adoption by the scitokens.org project (and others), it is timely for TAGPMA to discuss assurance for these tokens and how it relates to our existing assurance frameworks.
GridCanada plans to deploy new CA infrastructure. Lixin Liu will present the new plan, followed by group discussion.
The REFEDS Assurance WG looks to TAGPMA and IGTF for practical experience on doing peer reviews related to assurance, so let's show them how it's done. XSEDE, Fermilab, and Brookhaven have each implemented the Cappuccino profile from the REFEDS Assurance Framework (https://refeds.org/assurance) for use with the CILogon Silver CA (https://ca.cilogon.org/policy/silver). Jim Basney will make a...