Modern data-centric applications are among the major
drives for next generation Internet and network infrastructure
innovation. These applications, often founded in broad societal
challenges such as overpopulation and diminishing natural
resources, cut across many different scientific domains and
require collection, transfer, and processing capabilities on data
from broad range of sources.
These applications can only be effectively enabled however
in the presence of a supporting research infrastructure, which
should provide the necessary tools for searching, accessing and
integrating data and software for different workflows within
scientists research activities. Recent paradigm shift towards
data centric approaches further motivated the development
of advanced network and computing technologies, e.g., SDN
(software defined networking), ICN (Information-Centric Networking)
and 5G, as well as the Cloud technologies in Edge
Cloud and machine learning (ML). In the following, we use
our recent research experience in supporting environmental
research as an example to help lay out our collaborative
research agenda.
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