List of testbeds represented, but not limited to:
- AutoGOLE / MEICAN Network Service Interface(NSI) Testbed
- AMIS: Advanced Instrumentation Measurement and Services
- BigData Express International 100 Gbps Testbed
- CENI: Ciena Environmentfor Network Innovations
- Chameleon
- Citylab
- CloudLab
- CloudNEXT
- DcompTB: Dispersed computing testbed
- DETERLab: cyber DEfense Technology Experimental Research Laboratory
- EdgeNet
- Fed4FIRE
- FIBRE: Future Internet Brazilian Environment for Experimentation
- FIT: Future Internet of Things
- FUTEBOL: Federated Union of Telecommunications Research Facilities for an EU-Brasil Open Laboratory
- GENI: Global Environmentfor Network Innovations
- Grid’5000
- G-SDX: GENI Software Defined Exchange
- GTS: GEANT Testbeds Service
- ICN: Cisco Information Centric Networking Testbed
- iGENI: International Global Environment for Network Innovations
- International Peta-trans Data Transfer Node (DTN) Testbed
- JOSE: Japan-wide Orchestrated Smart/Sensor Environment
- Large Hadron Collider Open Network Environment (LHCONE) Point-to-Point Service Testbed
- Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) Network Testbed
- Metropolitan Research and Education Network (MREN) Optical Testbed (OMNInet)
- OF@TEIN + SmartX Playground
- RISE: Research Infrastructure for large-Scale Experiments
- SCinet 400 Gbps Prototype Network
- SCinet DTN-as-a-Service Testbed Network
- SCinet WAN Tbps Prototype Network
- SD-WAN International Testbed
- Smart Gigabit Communities
- StarBED
- Virtual Wall
- w-iLab.t