NICT provides testbed facilities such as JGN, JOSE, RISE, and StarBED to promote research and development of information and communications technology. Recently, a trend to open networking has been accelerating, and many projects have been proposing innovative networking mechanisms utilizing programmable networking capabilities. Especially, data-plane programming with the P4 programing...
A growing number of scientific fields require the ability to analyze data in near real-time, so that results from one experiment can guide selection of the next—or even influence the course of a single experiment. The experiments are often tightly scheduled, with timing driven by factors ranging from the physical processes involved in an experiment to the travel schedules of on-site...
Modern data-centric applications are among the major
drives for next generation Internet and network infrastructure
innovation. These applications, often founded in broad societal
challenges such as overpopulation and diminishing natural
resources, cut across many different scientific domains and
require collection, transfer, and processing capabilities on data
from broad range of...
With the ever growing complexity of networks, researchers have to rely on test-beds to be able to fully assess the quality of their propositions. In the meanwhile, Mininet offers a simple yet powerful API, the goldilocks of network emulators. We advocate that the Mininet API is the right level of abstraction for network experiments. Unfortunately it is designed to be run on a single machine....